Friday, August 8, 2008

P 3 A N U T P A R T T W O

Today was the craziest day at HarlemLIVE....EVER !

Okay so after I had my crappy morning..the afternoon rolled on by.
A few of my team mates &&*. I were outside kickin' know..doing work on the laptops when suddenly [[[EEEKKKKKK!!]]]
A metal chair quickly scraped back causing my face to wince at the sound.
I turned around and what do I see ??
[[[DunDunDUNnNnNnN !!!!]]]
Adam aka Fists of Fury was pounding repeadly on to poor Brad aka Bradington's face.
The lights came crashing down flashing their brightness until they hit the hard cement ground.
Like others I was Shocked but yet fascinated by how Adam changed from this laughing, joking guy to Evander Holyfield in under 3 seconds.
I still don't really know why it happened..I think it was something about an umbrella.
But anywho0....
After what seemed like eternity he was still at it..So it was now time for Super Christian to the rescue !!!!!
He ripped off his shirt at an amazing speed, revealing the big SC [super chris] embellished on his chest. He swooped down from the clouds to try and break up this mess when suddenly Fists of Fury threw him against the brick wall.
All the citizens of HarlemLIVE gasped and told him 'you can do can take on Fists of Fury !!'
With his little bit of strength he stood on his two feet and single handedly pinned Fists of Fury up against the brick wall.
Fists of Fury was no match for Super Chris' muscles of steel and slowly withered away, back into Adam.
Bradington, who was ever so grateful, calmly brushed his shoulders off and went inside to surf the web.
The citizens of HarlemLIVE were once again safe thanks to SUPER CHRIS !

*note..some actions were blowin outta preportion for your viewing plessure
&&*. on that note..
until next time

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