Friday, August 8, 2008


i like Harlem live. i like certain people(Cele, channellya, coco, Shem, ward, dushawn, Laredo, Fatima, shafonda, Adam, and i really like Matt.) but besides those people, who are older and alumni, i feel like I'm around a bunch of ignorant wannabees!! they always do something dumb, or are extremely fake. i never saw the point in being fake around people, it serves no purpose. the people that i tend to click with here r people that enjoy and embrace being real. i love people like that. then i know when I'm talking and working, its really them.
Laredo has rubbed off on me alot, for the good. with out meaning it, he taught me to never hold back any feelings, but do it in a professional manner. i love his "f@ck the world" attitude.

i would come back to harlem live.
the site didn't bring the problems people did.
and there's always bullsh*t at a job
learn and live.

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