Monday, August 4, 2008

Let this be known pt.2

To clear any discrepancies about my blogs on Saturday and Sunday especially after the meeting is that I wasn't talking about EVERYONE that went on trip to the MOVIES. I wanted to write this because I don't know if some people can't read or like the drama but it was obvious if you payed attention to the ending it stated that " if I have a problem with somebody I don't need a crowd". Isn't that obvious that someone approached me and had included someone else? Damn. Second a person was talking about how I made a reference " about disease carrying monkey sluts"and they wanted to know who I was referring to. It's very obvious that someone was making comments about AMERICANS and I was referring to them. If you felt offended and I never spoke to you personally about it then you probably feel the same way about Americans and probably talk mess about everyone you come across. Again numerous individuals felt very offended when I made comment about non-black looking people having a benefit, to further question why is someone getting offended then I will pose these questions: Why do you consider everything that is GHETTO is black?, Why do you sit there talking about how you proud to be black, but you sit there saying how certain skin complexions and bone structures are better than the other? Isn't that a little contradictory. Some people have very messed up interpretations about the definition " NIGGER". The word basically means anything bad or not proper. Second I grew hearing the word in a negative way. I would never sit there and say "whats up my NIGGAH, NIGGER, or NIGGA because I don't consider it an affectionate word and I don't believe any particular race of people are NIGGERS. More or less, I felt what I say is my opinion and I will not be forced to be quiet about anything because when certain people say stuff about people or ethnic groups, the common thing I hear is " don't take it personally or it's someone opinion" but when I state something " Oh you should be careful with what you, Some people may get offended". It looks like there are double standards in here. Also stop being sensitive because some people in here do some wild things to be getting upset over a little blog.

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