Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chocolat3 Kiss 7/30/08

2day is quit3 hilarious... W3 had a t3am m33tn 2assign our t3am m3mb3rs th3 r3st of th3 stori3s tht w3 n33d publishd so w3 can 3v3rythng up 2 dat3 n g3t th3 t3am on point... It r3ally wasnt tht hard 2 com3 up wit th3s3 stori3s but it s33md tht w3 w3r3 makn it hard3r thn it r3ally was so dumb of us but w3 on point so its all gravy babii...
My co-l3ad3r is out on a story wit anoth3r t3am so h3 g3ts points 4tht yay!!! cuz it s33ms lik h3 do3snt g3t his points 2g3th3r lik h3 should so im on his ass alng wit th3 r3st of th3 t3am on g3ttn th3ir points n blogs 2g3th3r..
As 4m3 I'm writin my stori3s, m3m3oirs n blogs 2 rack up my points so im g3ttn tht don3 2day so 4now.... du3c3s shawty...

~1st Am3ndm3nt~ ~Chocolat3 Kiss~

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