WoW!!! What a fuckn mornin......
I gu3ss this w33k3nd wasn't tht good 4alot of ppl in 1st Am3ndm3nt
2m3 it jus f33ls lik 3v3ry1 is jus v3nting frm whut happ3nd on Friday... thts all good but w3 all n33d 2knw n I thnk we do but w3 cnt win 3v3ythn n w3 shouldnt b sor3 los3rs... I'm not sayn w3 r but it did look tht way
3v3n tho I wantd 2l3av on friday also w3 should stil giv th3 oth3r t3ams th3
r3sp3ct th3y d3s3rv..... ya digg
I'm l3avn 3ith3r on Tu3s or W3dn. (T3ars) but its bn a v3ry good 3xp3ri3nc3 h3r3 at
Harl3m Liv3... I m3t ppl tht I only thght was possibl3 in Hollywood...
So it was xcitin' I lovd wrkn wit my t3am m3mb3rs, kickn it wit th3 NY folks up h3r3 (lol) but 4th3 most part I cnt wait 2 dip outta h3r3...
3v3n tho its bn cool th3r3 also has bn alot of drama wit in th3 t3am its3lf n thts not cool so som3 issu3s has 2b addr3ssd,
I'll do my b3st 2 k33p it nonchalant but if it com3s off off3nsiv l3t a gurl knw..... ya digg
Som3 thngs w3r3 said ov3r th3 w33k3nd tht I dndt lik n not only m3 but oth3rs h3r3 @ Harl3m Liv3 2...
I r3ad th3 blogs of 2of my t3am m3mb3rs n som3 of th3 shit shouldnt of bn said whut T3onica said bout th3 sit3 shouldnt hav bn blown
outta proportion lik tht, sh3 was jus xpr3ssn th3 way sh3 f3lt bout whut3va
M3 p3rsonally I dnt thnk it should hav bn put on th3 blog tht 3v3ry1 r3ads but whuts don3 is don3 it cnt b chngd... Sh3 was jus t3lln whut sh3 f3lt nsid3
If T3onica off3nd3d n31 of th3 donors tht r3ad th3 blogs thn I'm pr3tty sur3 sh3 srry but I cnt sp3ak 4h3r ya digg...
Now whut Lor3do said in his w33kend blog shockd th3 fuck outta m3... D3AD ASS S3RIOUS!!!!
Whut caught my att3ntion was th3 fact tht h3 was g3ttn on Dushawn bout dark skin n lit3 skin ppl thn turnd rit3 round wit th3 sam3 br3ath n said th3 sam3 shit basically I thght tht it was disr3sp3ctful 3sp3cially if u w3r3 th3 1 g3ttn on som31 3ls3 bout th3 whol3 situation... Th3 n3x thng tht caught my 3y3 was th3 fact tht h3 was sayn thngs lik "monk3ys" n "sluts" n "inn3r nigg3r" 2 post tht on a blog tht 3v3rybody n th3y mama can r3ad is so unappropriat3 thts jus my opinion but stil in all tht shit was not kool at all...
If h3 can xpr3ss hims3lf lik tht thn T3onica can do th3 sam3 damn thng p3riod... 2m3 its jus w3ird how a blog is 2xpr3ss urs3lf but thn whn thngs hit th3 fan n it st3ps on som3 to3s thn 3v3rybody is a susp3ct its
som3 bullshit if u ask m3 but again thts jus my opinion...
W3ll whut3va happ3ns I jus pray its 4 th3 b3tt3r n mayb in th3 futur3 Harl3m Liv3 can 3stablish som3 p3rsonal blogs wit 3ach t3am so tht thngs can b xpr3ssd witout it st3pn on to3s..... ya digg du3c3s shawtii
~1st Am3ndm3nt~ ~Chocolat3 Kiss~
Monday, August 4, 2008
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1 comment:
I don't think my comments was anything near what Dushawn said because he stated that light-skin was superior to dark-skin and that dark-skin people are not desirable. The reason I said that some people have a benefit when they can pass for another RACE not skin color is due to the fact that many blacks attribute their inappropriate behavior to their blackness and I know that I'm black but me or my family don't act that way.
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